
Fearless Faithful Children Around the World

God’s Word reminds us to keep a child-like faith as we draw near to Him. Children domestically and around the world are impacting lost souls for Christ. At 8 years old, Sarah Roderick drew a picture of Russell Stendal’s plane dropping Bibles over the jungles of Colombia. (Pictured above)


She taped the drawing to a jar and began collecting money for Bibles and Christian materials. Sarah’s face lit up with joy each time she brought her jar filled with coins into the SOM office. In 2013, Sarah was in a tragic boating accident and was ushered into the presence of our Savior. Her sisters and younger brother continue to collect money in the jar to carry on “Sarah’s Heart.” The staff at Spirit of Martyrdom ministries was so touched by what God did through the young life of Sarah and we hope to embolden both young and old with this special page called Sarah’s Heart.


Game Description:create-a-north-african-house-church-experience-for-sarahs-heart-page

As believers, we are called to “imitate” Jesus Christ (Philippians 2). Throughout Scripture, Jesus touched lives “along the way”. You are a part of the secret Church in hostile nations. Use small household items for game pieces. (In hostile areas, trash may become a treasure or a toy. Use a water bottle lid, a paperclip or a coin as your game piece-be creative!) Allow the youngest person to go first and choose a square for your first activity.

For more excitement…roll dice and play the activity you land on. Move the game piece along the squares according to the number on the dice. The player must complete the activity at each stop before the next persons turn. Whoever completes the board first wins!





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